As part of the EU's €11 billion package supporting Ukraine, the European Commission has adopted a Special Measure for Private Sector D...
Juncker elnök összefoglalója a csúcstalálkozót követő sajtókonferencián - EU Ukraine Summit - Extracts from President Juncker's remarks at the final press conference of EU-Ukraine Summit, 27 April 2015
Dear President of the Ukrainian Republic, Dear Donald It is not my first summit between Ukraine and the EU. It is the 17th summit, but ...
EU-Ukraine Summit: EU steps up its contribution to nuclear safety in Chernobyl with €70 million
Today, the European Commission will step up its contribution with €70 million to ensure the complete return to a safe environment at the C...
Commission authorises 17 GMOs for food/feed uses and 2 GM carnations
The Commission today adopted 10 new authorisations for Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) for food/feed use, 7 renewals of existing aut...
States progress on reforms
A report commissioned by the European Commission to the European Social Policy Network of independent experts published today shows that M...
European Commission calls for renewed commitments to reach targets on official development assistance
The European Union and its Member States have kept their place as the world's largest aid donor in 2014. They provided more than half ...
Az agrárgazdaság jövője
Az agrártámogatási rendszer változásairól, a fiatal gazdák szerepéről és a legújabb technológiákról is szó volt a Debreceni Egyetemen tart...
Commission opens in-depth investigation into the proposed merger of TeliaSonera and Telenor's Danish telecommunications activities
The European Commission has opened an in-depth investigation to assess whether the proposed joint venture between the Danish operators Telia...